HCM694 Action Research Proj

The research internship consists of three major components:• discreet management action research project• a literature review research paper• outcomes assessment caption.The Action Research Project option for the CapstoneExperience consists of the graduate student becoming a part ofa health care organization’s team that is charged withcompleting a specific management project. Besides taking aleading role in the project planning and implementation, thegraduate student conducts a comprehensive literature searchand authors a literature review research paper that delineatescurrent research on a topic that is an essential component of themanagement Action Research Project. This management ActionResearch Project presents the student with access to a vital experiencein action research and health care managementleadership, and provides value added to the health care organizationthrough the provision of empirical data pertinent to theproject, and access to additional hands-on assistance with theorganization's project.The final component of the research internship is theoutcomes assessment caption. The caption delineates how theAction Research Project contributes to the students’ accomplishingof their personal professional / educational outcomes,and the outcomes of the program in the spirit of the missions ofthe College and the Graduate Programs. Prerequisite: Allprogram required graduate courses, including HCM 630,Research Methods, and/or permission of Director. Should thestudent take more than 1 semester to complete this culminatingexperience, a continued enrollment fee must be paid in each ofthe additional semesters until the Action Research Project iscompleted.
