HCM695 Professional Portfolio
The Professional Portfolio option for the Capstone Experience isa document that demonstrates the acquisition of the student’sknowledge and skills, and the attainment of professionalacademic goals. The Professional Portfolio also presents thestudent’s literature review research paper completed for theProfessional Portfolio in an area of academic interest related tothe graduate degree in health care management. TheProfessional Portfolio provides students with an opportunity tosystematically assess and evaluate their own professionaldevelopment.There are two main segments to the portfolio. The firstsegment is a literature review research paper. All students whochoose the Portfolio option for their Capstone Experience willcomplete a major literature review research paper.The second segment consists of the writing of outcomesassessment captions. Prerequisite: All program requiredgraduate courses, including HCM 630, Research Methods, and/orpermission of Director. Should the student take more than 1semester to complete this Capstone Experience, a continuedenrollment fee must be paid in each of the additional semestersuntil the Professional Portfolio is completed.