CSE400 Essentials Capstone

This seminar course will provide students with the opportunity to reflect upon and consider their whole CSE Essentials learning experience. The key focus of the course will be the integration, exploration and application of the CSSE Essentails learning experience through the development by each student of a mentored capstone ePortfolio. Students will reflect upon all of their CSE Essentials courses and activites in relation to their othe rcurricular and co-curricular work, as well as to lifelong learning. Students will also examine the ethical implications of contemporary issues by applying knowledge in various disciplines; they will explore some of the deepest questions about life, and they will develop an understanding of the common ground among different points of view. Satisfies CSE Essentials Element IV Requirements. Pre-requisite: Completion of all requirements for CSE Essentials Elements I, II, and III 4 credits.
