SMDM697 Culminating Requirement
a.Internship with local business (Onsite, offsite or online) (Required for graduation)Each student is required to spend at least 3 months interning with a business of their choice for at least 10 hours a week onsite, off-site and/or online) to create, monitor and manage their Social Media and web content as the job training component of this MA degree. In many industries, this is something that can and is often done from the intern's or employee's home. A diary of all the activities, projects and observations the student has throughout the internship must be handed in to the supervising professor. Students in the Master's program will meet once a month to exchange observations and tips. Evaluations by the employer and the supervising professor will comprise the pass or fail grade for this internship. b. ePortfolio Preparation and Presentation (Required for graduation)Over the course of the program, students are required to design and upload their completed projects to their own E-Portfolio. This is a chance for students to practice using all the strategies they are learning to create an effective job website for themselves. They will request or be assigned a professor to do a periodic critique. In the last semester, students will present and discuss their final e-Portfolio with each other and their professors at an appointed seminar date. The supervising professor will award a grade of pass or fail for this E-Portfolio.c. Research Paper (Required for graduation)