ENG111 English Composition I

Through various essay styles and types, including argumentative, narrative, and descriptive, this course focuses on the practice of prose writing. Students will learn to write thorough, clear, and convincing essays that are unified by thoughtful and precise claims. Attention is given to methods of invention and arrangement and to the importance of revision as a means of shaping and refining ideas. Students will conference extensively with their instructor. They will also analyze and respond to assigned texts, including the Common Read as a key focus, that will strengthen students' critical reading skills. Students will be introduced to research, reasoning and organizational skills necessary to include quotes and paraphrases from outside sources into their essays. 4 credits Required for all students unless exempt through placement test or transfer credits. Students must earn a C or better in this course, which is a prerequisite for ENG115. General Education Foundational Course



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COMP I Trnsfr