SW230 Mental Health Treat. Appr. and Self-care

''This course covers a broad swath of topics related to mental health, including commondiagnoses; cultural and historical contexts; pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical treatmentoptions; and personal well-being. The course will describe current mental health treatmentsystems and providers in the United States. Students will be introduced to various frameworksfor evaluating mental health, including the medical and biopsychosocial models of mentalillness. The course will examine the roles that trauma/PTSD, Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACES), Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), and systemic racism play in the developmentand treatment of mental health issues. Students will be introduced to major concepts relatedto human emotions, including attachment theory, developmental theory and family systemstheory. In addition to established, evidence-based psychotherapeutic and medication-basedtreatment options, students will learn about emerging and complementary therapies.Students will have hands-on opportunities to explore wellness activities, including meditation,breathwork, aromatherapy, and art and music activities, among others. Satisfies Outcome 9 ofthe General Education Curriculum.''
