Academic Services

Conklin Academic Success Center

The Conklin Academic Success Center, an academic resource for students, offers a variety of services to help students achieve academic success. Trained tutors and academic specialists empower students to become life-long, independent learners.

Located on the second floor of Mahoney Library, the Center offers one-on-one and small group tutoring in a wide range of subject areas and supplemental instruction study sessions for targeted courses. Drop-in tutoring is also available on a limited basis for math and writing.

The staff conducts free workshops every semester on such study skills as test-taking and time-management strategies. The state-of-the-art computer lab offers self-paced software programs for practicing basic skills, and for preparing for GRE and MCAT exams. There is also a Study Behavior Inventory available for students who want to assess their study habits.

Get more information on the Center here.

Disability Services

Disability Services

The College of Saint Elizabeth, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, provides eligible students with documented disabilities equal educational opportunities and participation. The College is committed to insuring that no qualified person be excluded from participation in any College program or activity, be denied the benefits of any College program or activity, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination with regard to any College program or employment, access to facilities, student programs, activities and services.

While all students are expected to meet the College's academic standards and requirements, the College encourages students with documented disabilities who want accommodations to submit the documentation early in the application process so that documentation may be assessed, interpreted and services arranged in a timely manner. Please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services for more detailed information about disabilities services.

Disability Services-Grievance Procedures

For complaints or appeals related specifically to services/accommodations for students with disabilities provided through the Office of Disability Services, as required under the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the following procedures will be followed:

Grievances-Internal (CSE) Complaints

  1. The complaint should be submitted in writing and contain the name and address of the person(s) filing it, and briefly describe the alleged violation of the regulations. It should be filed with the Coordinator of Disability Services within ten (10) working days from the date of the alleged complaint.
  2. An investigation conducted by the Coordinator, as may be appropriate, shall follow the filing of a complaint. The investigation shall be informal but thorough, and it should afford all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the complaint.
  3. A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, if any, shall be issued by the Coordinator and forwarded to the complainant no later than ten (10) working days after the filing of the complaint.
  4. The complainant can request an appeal in the instance of dissatisfaction with the resolution. The request for reconsideration should be made in writing to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students within ten (10) working days of the resolution of the complaint.
  5. If a grievance is against the Coordinator of Disability Services the above procedures will be followed with the exception that the initial complaint will be made to the Coordinator's immediate supervisor, the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students. In this instance, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached (following the same process listed above), appeals can be directed to the President of the College.
  6. The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed shall not be impaired by nor shall the use of this procedure be a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies.
  7. These rules shall be construed to protect the substantive rights of interested persons, to provide a fair and reasonable hearing of the complaint, to assure that the College complies with the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
  8. The Coordinator shall maintain files and records relating to the complaint for a period of three (3) years.

Grievances-External (OCR) Complaints

CSE Student Complaint Procedure

Although the student is encouraged to attempt to resolve a grievance within the College process, the student has the right to file any grievance directly to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at any time.

The statute of limitations for filing with OCR is 180 days from the time the incident occurred. Forms may be obtained from the Office of Civil Rights.

Office for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Paterson Office

Jacob Javits Federal Building

26 Federal Plaza-Suite 3312

New York, NY 10278

Phone: (212) 264-3313

Fax: (212) 264-3039

TDD: (212) 264-2355

Division of Civil Rights

100 Hamilton Plaza

8th Floor

Paterson, NJ 07505-2109

Phone: (973) 977-4500

Fax: (973) 977-4511

TTY: (973) 977-1955

Educational Opportunity Fund Program

The Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) supports talented and motivated low-income New Jersey residents.

EOF provides supplemental financial assistance for full-time enrolled undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need. To qualify, recipients must be admitted into the program at the College and complete both the EOF questionnaire and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Applicants to the program are evaluated for admission on the basis of financial eligibility, demonstrated commitment to education, and motivation. An interview with the Director of the EOF Program is required.

During the summer prior to the first year, all new EOF students attend a five-week residential Summer Academic Enrichment Program that provides an introduction to college life. Students develop academic skills, take courses for college credit, and participate in cultural, social, and recreational activities. During the fall and spring semesters, a program of support services in tutoring and personal counseling is offered.

For more information, contact the Admission Office or Cliff Woodward, director of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program (973) 290-4345.

Honors Program

The Honors Program is designed for a highly select group of students whose high school record, rank in class and SAT scores indicate superior scholastic aptitude or who in their college work demonstrate unusual proficiency and scholarly interests through a superior grade point average. Open to matriculated traditional undergraduate students, the Program provides a broad-base of knowledge in the liberal arts, while also challenging and enhancing students' special interests and abilities.

Get more information on the Honors Program here.

The College of Saint Elizabeth is a participating member of, the statewide higher education network connecting the institutions of higher education in New Jersey with a broadband data and video network. Inter-institutional data, Internet and Internet2 connectivity at the College are all accessed through

There are collaborative opportunities with K-12 institutions, colleges and universities in New Jersey and other states. Programs encouraging and demonstrating the integration of technology into the curriculum enrich the academic environment for undergraduate and graduate students.

Seton Colleges Exchange

The affiliation of Seton Colleges, those institutions that trace their origins to the founding work of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, provides an opportunity for traditional undergraduate students to arrange an educational experience in another part of the United States or in Canada. An exchange can take place for a semester or a year (exclusive of first year and the second term of senior year). Applications must be filed in the Office of Academic Affairs by April 15 for the fall term, and by November 15 for the spring term.

Exchanges can be arranged with the following Seton Colleges:

  • College of Mount Saint Joseph – Cincinnati, Ohio
  • College of Mount Saint Vincent – Riverdale, New York
  • Seton Hill University – Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Study Away

Study Away is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain a global perspective, strengthen their foreign language skills, and build understanding and appreciation of other cultures and locations.

CSE encourages students to explore Study Away opportunities and provides assistance in identifying appropriate programs, applying to them, and preparing for the experience abroad. The College offers a wide-range of Study Away Experiences and we work closely with interested students to find the opportunity that best fits their personal and academic goals. Click here to learn more about Study Away opportunities at CSE.