

The records of students matriculated in the Undergraduate programs are reviewed by the Committee on Admissions and Student Academic Standing (CASAS) for academic performance at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

Undergraduate students will be issued a warning if a student:

  • receives a grade of C-/D in two courses in a semester
  • receives a grade of F in one course in a semester.
  • receives a semester or cumulative GPA between a 2.0 and a 2.25.

Undergraduate students will be placed on academic probation under the following circumstances:

  • if the grade point average for the semester is below 1.8 in the first year or 2.0 in any semester thereafter;
  • if a first-time, first-year student receives NC in two courses;
  • the cumulative grade point average is below 2.0;
  • if a student receives an Incomplete grade, the student will be placed on provisional probation until a satisfactory grade is submitted; if the Incomplete grade is not satisfactorily completed in a timely manner the grade will be submitted as an FI (Failure due to Incomplete) which may result in further action.

Undergraduate students may be academically suspended under the following circumstances:

  • if a student receives 3 or more NCs in the first semester;
  • if a student receives 3 or more Fs in a semester;
  • if a student did not meet the required 2.0 semester GPA for two semesters;
  • if a student does not meet the conditions of the academic probation agreement, the student may be suspended.

The Committee reserves the right to suspend a student without a semester of probation.

Students who have been academically suspended from the University for academic reasons may appeal the decision to CASAS if they feel that their performance was affected by extenuating circumstances. This appeal should be made in writing and submitted to CASAS. If the student's appeal is accepted, the student will be placed on academic probation. The student must earn at least a grade point average of a 2.0 for every semester following their suspension.

If a student's appeal has been denied, she/he may apply for readmission after one semester. The applicant seeking readmission must document a successful academic semester by completing at least 12 credits and earning at least a 2.0. CASAS evaluates this document and other supporting material prior to making a decision on the reapplication.

If a student who has been readmitted after an academic suspension does not earn a 2.0 semester GPA for any semester after readmission, the student will be academically dismissed and will not be eligible to continue his/her studies at Saint Elizabeth University.


Students who fail to maintain a 3.00 cumulative grade point average in their course work are automatically subject to probation for two semesters and suspension from the degree program if a 3.00 cumulative grade point average is not achieved in the third semester.

A student on probation should meet with the program director to discuss the conditions of probation. Failure to meet the conditions and standards of probation will result in suspension. While on academic probation, the student's credit load may be restricted.

A student will receive an academic warning when he/she receives his/her first "C/C+" grade. A second "C/C+" grade will place the student in academic jeopardy. A student who obtains three "C+/C" grades, or one "F" in program course work, for whatever reason, will be suspended from the graduate program.

A student who is suspended from an academic program for any reason must wait one full calendar year past the semester of suspension before reapplying to a graduate program.

The program faculty may deny a student re-admission for any cause.