Paralegal Concentration

Requirements (22 credits)

Core Requirements (18 credits)

JUS101Introduction to Justice Studies


JUS210Legal Research Writing


JUS221Criminal Law


PHIL103Logic & Rhetoric


PHIL333Ethics in Business & Society


Any one of the courses below (4 credits)

JUS231Criminal Procedure


JUS327Victim Law & Services


PS371American Constitutional Law


Capstone Requirement

Because the Pre-law Program of Study is not a major, it does not technically require a capstone. However, students pursuing the program of study will have the option of completing a project comparable to a capstone involving a showcase ePortfolio that aligns with the learning outcomes of the program of study.

The option is presented to help students be better prepared for their Law School Applications, and to facilitate integrative learning. It will also be useful for program assessment. It will be administered as a 0-credit Independent Study mentored by faculty who teach in, and/or oversee, the Pre-law Program of Study. Students who choose this option will submit this ePortfolio when they have completed the program of study.