B.A. in Biology
Requirements (44-45 credits)
Core Requirements (33 credits)
BIO111 | Fundamentals of Biology I | 4 |
BIO113 | Fundamentals of Biology II | 4 |
BIO209 | Microbiology | 4 |
BIO251 | Cellular Biology | 4 |
BIO303 | Genetics | 4 |
BIO431 | Senior Seminar | 1 |
| 300-Level Elective | 4 |
| 300/400-Level Elective | 4 |
| 400-Level Elective | 4 |
A grade of C+ or better is required for BIO111, BIO113
BIO 300-Level Elective, BIO 300/400 Level Elective, BIO 400-Level Elective: Research and non-major courses cannot be used to fulfill Requirements for the major.
Related Requirements
Recommended Course Sequence for BA Biology
First Year
Fall Semester (First Semester) (18 Credits)
Spring Semester (Second Semester) (18 Credits)
Second Year
Fall Semester (First Semester) (16 Credits)
BIO209 | Microbiology | 4 |
| Free Elective | 8 |
| CSE200-level General Education | 4 |
SEU200 level: Prerequisites required.
Spring Semester (Second Semester) (16 Credits)
BIO251 | Cellular Biology | 4 |
| Free Elective | 4 |
| CSE 200-level General Education | 4 |
| | |
| CSE200-level General Education | 4 |
| or | |
SEU300 | Faith, Spirituality & Ethics I | 4 |
Third Year
Fall Semester (First Semester) (16 Credits)
| Free Elective | 8 |
| BIO300/400 | 4 |
| | |
| CSE200-level General Education | 4 |
| or | |
SEU300 | Faith, Spirituality & Ethics I | 4 |
SEU200 level, SEU300: if not yet taken
BIO300/400, SEU200 level, SEU300: Prerequisites required.
Spring Semester (Second Semester) (16 Credits)
| Free Elective | 4-8 |
BIO303 | Genetics | 4 |
| | |
SEU300 | Faith, Spirituality & Ethics I | 4 |
| or | |
SEU400 | Essentials Capstone | 4 |
Fourth Year
Fall Semester (First Semester) (16 Credits)
| BIO300/400 | 4 |
BIO431 | Senior Seminar | 1 |
| | |
SEU400 | Essentials Capstone | 4 |
| and-or | |
| Free Electives | 8-12 |
Spring Semester (Second Semester) (16 Credits)
| BIO300/400 | 4 |
| Free Electives | 8-12 |
BIO300/400: Prerequisites required.
Capstone Requirement
Capstone Experience: an exam is given in two parts on two separate dates. The first day of the exam includes objective questions that consist of multiple choice questions covering Fundamentals of Biology I and II, Microbiology and Cell Biology. In addition, a separate exam section covers basic solution calculations. The second day consists of essay questions in upper level elective courses specific to the B.A. program.